Music Ministry
At Covenant, we make music to the glory of God. Music unites us in praise of our creator and opens us to God’s presence. We believe, as did St. Augustine, that an individual “who sings prays twice.”
We embrace good church music of the past and of our own time. We use works by many composers, of different styles and levels of difficulty. We select texts and music that reflect our Reformed heritage and also speak to our contemporary experience.
We make music with our voices, but with instruments too: a 15-rank Möller pipe organ (1963/1977), Yamaha grand piano, Schulmerich handbells and hand chimes, Orff instruments, African drums and percussion instruments. The sounds of flute, oboe, brass, guitar, or other instruments often enliven our worship.
People at Covenant enjoy hearing music, but they are music makers as well. Singing at the 8:30 AM service is led by a vocalist and pianist; there is no choir. Music at the 10:30 AM service is led by the adult choir and organ, plus choirs of children and handbells monthly. We believe that musicians’ calling is to lead, not perform for, the congregation.
Those of us who participate in the music programs find that we grow both musically and spiritually. We love to meet new music and new music-makers, and we find that making music together contributes in very real ways to each of our Christian journeys. If you are interested in being part of the music program, please let us know; we will welcome you!