Stated Session Highlights for 2022
At its stated meeting on December 18 , the Session took the following actions:
¨ Approved examination of 8 elders-elect and set January 15, 2023 for their ordination and installation
¨ Elected Paul Sorrell, Janey Terry, and Chris Earhart as Trustees by virtue of their respective offices
¨ Approved team assignments and election of Paul Sorrell as Treasurer
¨ Approved two requests for baptism
¨ Approved a budget for 2023 in the amount of $617,000
¨ Approved communion dates for 2023
¨ Approved offerings for 2023
¨ Approved a plan for new lighting and replacement of an exhaust fan and water fountain in the Fellowship Hall area
¨ Approved donating chapel chairs to Habitat Restore when new chairs are received
At its stated meeting on November 20, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Received a report on the November meeting of presbytery
¨ Cancelled Sunday School classes for December 25 and January 1
¨ Received a report on a few missing checks and approved steps to secure mail coming into the church
¨ Approved making worship on December 25 a “Pajama Sunday” to ease children’s participation on a busy Christmas morning
¨ Approved agencies for Glorious Gifts
¨ Approved in concept a fundraiser dinner for our Afghan refuge family
¨ Approved in concept collecting items for Valley Mission Christmas stockings
At its stated meeting on October 16, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Elected Anne Bell and Roderic Owen as commissioners to the November meeting of presbytery
¨ Approved requesting approval from presbytery for Jeff Ryman to be trained and officiate at the Lord’s Table
¨ Approved purchase of new chairs for the chapel
¨ Approved a revised staffing structure to create a position for Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Christian Education
¨ Received and accepted the 2021 Financial Review
¨ Approved use of Outreach reserve funds to support ministry to an Afghan family
¨ Approved a facility request for a yoga class
At its stated meeting on September 18, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Approved a proposal for moving ahead with comprehensive signage for the church facilities
¨ Approved a proposal for picture day for the preschool
¨ Received team requests for a challenge budget for the fall stewardship campaign
¨ Approved two (2) facility use requests
¨ Approved compensation for Laura Lawson for her work with youth in the interim
¨ Approved a proposal for moving ahead with comprehensive signage for the church facilities
¨ Approved a proposal for picture day for the preschool
¨ Received team requests for a challenge budget for the fall stewardship campaign
¨ Approved two (2) facility use requests
¨ Approved compensation for Laura Lawson for her work with youth in the interim
At its stated meeting on August 21, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Elected Louise Scott and Sarah Splaun as commissioners to the August meeting of presbytery
¨ Reviewed actions taken by the PCUSA General Assembly
¨ Approved recommendations from the COVID Task Force related to Worship, Fellowship, CE, and Preschool
¨ Approved funding for Facilities to proceed with asbestos abatement and installation of tile in the Fellowship Hall and kitchen
¨ Approved a Facilities Use Request from Shenan Arts
¨ Congratulated Sarah Wolf on her call to a Presbyterian church in Durham, NC
At its stated meeting on June 19, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Received a report on the May 24 meeting of Presbytery
¨ Approved replacement of an HVAC unit for the preschool
¨ Approved two facilities requests subject to COVID restrictions
¨ Elected Louise Scott as commissioner to the August meeting of Presbytery
¨ Appointed the Executive Team to make decisions with regard to the Fellowship Hall kitchen project and asbestos removal
At its stated meeting on May 22, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Received into membership by profession of faith: Jessica “Blu” Harrop, Carter Lawson, Wyatt Shuey,
and Susan Wszalek
¨ Elected Tom Compton and Christy David as commissioners to the May stated meeting of presbytery
¨ Approved installation of a glass wall/shield along the railing in the choir loft
¨ Approved moving worship from 10:30 am to 10:00 am for the months of July and August
At its stated meeting on April 24, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Elected Rod Owen and Janey Terry as commissioners to a called meeting of presbytery
¨ Appointed Beverly Riddell as chair of an ad hoc committee for techno-logy
¨ Approved becoming a Matthew 25 congregation
¨ Approved proposals from Outreach for various fundraisers and collections
¨ Approved an allocation from the 2021 surplus for Personnel
¨ Approved signatories for church bank accounts
¨ Approved resuming communion by intinction at the 8:30 service beginning May 15
¨ Approved hosting Helping Hands August 1 – 5
At its stated meeting on March 20, the Session took the following actions:
¨ Adopted the final long-range plan with gratitude for the work of the Long-Range Planning Committee
¨ Approved putting a “Kindness Matters” sign on church property
¨ Received a report on the February Presbytery meeting
¨ Approved recommended changes for worship under changing COVID guidelines
¨ Approved making committee meetings mask-optional unless in CDC red phase
¨ Approved continued masking for Sunday School classes through April
¨ Approved a request for use of the facility by the NAACP subject to COVID restrictions
¨ Approved fundraising pictures for the preschool
¨ Approved inviting non-church member youth to participate in summer camps while space is available
¨ Approved allocation of the 2021 budget surplus
¨ Moved the stated meeting of Session to May 22
At its annual retreat on February 19 the Session took the following actions:
¨ Received the initial draft of the long-range plan
¨ Approved the annual PCUSA statistical report
¨ Approved discontinuing sign-in for worship services as contact tracing is no longer happening
¨ Approved Soup and Bread meals for TOW and prayer stations in the chapel during Lent
¨ Approved children’s offering to support Community Child Care during Lent
¨ Removed Andy Briggs from the membership rolls at his request
¨ Elected Brad Kurtz and Taylor Chenery as commissioners to the February meeting of presbytery
¨ Approved boosters within the definition of “fully vaccinated” for preschool staff
¨ Approved purchase of Sage accounting software subscription
¨ Approved youth trips/camps for summer 2022 and confirmation for spring 2022
¨ Adopted annual goals for Session